Sports Information
The College of the Canyons Sports Information Office provides student-athletes and the athletic department with publicity through the Internet, radio, television and print, and to media outlets across the country. The office provides statistics, photos, award-winning media guides and general information regarding all 17 intercollegiate teams at College of the Canyons. The sports information office takes a proactive approach to creating media interest for every sport. Its goal is to bring attention and national recognition to both the amazing athletes and the dedicated coaches who compete at COC.
College of the Canyons Athletics on the Web
The College of the Canyons Sports Information Office prides itself on telling not just the local community about our student-athletes, but talking to the world!
The official College of the Canyons Web site,, is the place to access information on all of your favorite Cougar athletic teams. Find rosters, updated team and individual statistics, photos and game recaps all season long!
The College of the Canyons Athletics Twitter page is the most followed Twitter account among community college athletic programs and provides up-to-the-minute game updates and links to feature stories on past and present student-athletes.
Follow COC athletics on Instagram and connect with the department through photos posted by the sports information department.
The COC athletics Facebook page allows current student-athletes, alumni, friends and family to stay connected with each other about the events going on at COC, while also creating a network for fans and alumni to stay connected. Don’t have a chance to get to the game?
Visit College of the Canyons athletics YouTube page for highlight videos from home games. Also, take a look at feature stories about current and past student-athletes and coaches. More of a visual observer?
Season Interviews
All requests for coach or player interviews should be made in advance by contacting the sports information office at (661) 362-3155. The best time for short interviews is following daily practices. The best time for extended interviews is usually between 9 a.m. and noon, depending on class schedules and team obligations. Interviews will not be permitted during practice sessions. On game days, interviews will be permitted only after the game. Interviews and photography opportunities are available after daily practice sessions.
Post-Game Interviews
At no time will the media be admitted into the College of the Canyons locker room/dugout area. Post-game interviews will be conducted outside of the dugout after the game. At the conclusion of the game, there will be a 10-minute break period before interviews begin.
Statistical Services
Media members will be provided with quickie stats at halftime and post-game. For other statistics, please make your requests before the start of the game to Sports Information Director, Jesse Muñoz.
Internet Access
All COC athletic facilities are equipped with wireless Internet. There are a limited amount of high-speed jacks, but media members must provide their own cords.